Easy Eggs Cocotte Recipe: High Protein Baked Eggs

Eggs cocotte: Want to know healthy, quick nutritious, easy Mounjaro breakfast for 57+ grams of protein? The easy Mounjaro recipe for egg en cocotte recipe has been tested and Countess Of Shopping approved with everything you need to know for baked eggs cocotte!

This post is all about eggs cocotte.

Eggs Cocotte

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Eggs Cocotte

I love quick, healthy, simple recipe with my busy schedule for a healthy Mounjaro breakfast. With 57+ grams of protein that is easy to bake, this high protein meal will feed you or your family with low effort.

The oeufs en cocotte are so simple with the great flavor!

The best part is you can make in individual ramekins that can bake for multiple people or one person. This nutritious, silky richness has so much protein that you can make withy runny eggs or hard-cooked yolk for whatever your preference is.

Eggs Cocotte

The delicious eggs have been a perfect breakfast on my -76lb (so far!) Mounjaro weight loss journey.

Cocotte Recipe

I’ve been cooking this perfect breakfast a different way each morning…I love that I can customize to my personal preference each morning. The first time I cooked this French recipe of oeufs cocotte, I knew it was a filling breakfast.

It sounds fancy, but it’s an easy, perfect recipe if you are like me and short on time in the morning trying to get your kid to school on time.

cocotte recipe

I did buy the Le Creuset casserole dish to make sure I was using an appropriate oven-safe dish, as some of y’all know I can cook like the Muppet’s Swedish Chef. 😉

To make the baked eggs recipes. get small ramekins that are 8 ounces or the Le Creuset little casserole dish (SHOP HERE).

Egg Cocotte Recipes

Timing: You can make your medium heat cook time whatever your preference is for runny yolks to hard-boiled egg yolk. If you want runny egg yolks, cook for approximately 13 minutes. If you want your egg dish to have over-medium egg yolks, bake eggs for 15-16 minutes. For hard-boiled egg yolks, cook your eggs recipe for 17-18 minutes. Simply vary your cooking time.

egg in cocotte

Crusty Bread: One of the best things about this dish is making buttery toast baguettes to dip into your eggs. You don’t have to, but I love have a little bit of bread. You can use melted butter, unsalted butter or olive oil if you wish on top of the crusty bread to go with my Egg In Cocotte recipe.

Eggs En Cocotte Add Ins: You can happily add into your ramekin if you wish:

  • Fresh thyme, fresh chives or fresh herbs
  • A full tablespoon of cream instead of 1/2 tablespoon or a dash of cream
  • A tbsp butter 
  • Chopped bell peppers
  • Chopped cherry tomatoes
  • Tablespoon gruyère cheese
  • Mushroom mixture
  • Base layer of mushroom duxelles
  • Breakfast potatoes
Eggs Cocotte

Eggs Cocotte

Eggs Cocotte
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 18 minutes
Total Time 23 minutes
Course Breakfast
Cuisine American, French
Servings 1 person
Calories 694 kcal


  • 1 Le Creuset Mini Round Cocotte OR 8 oz ramekin
  • 1 Baking Pan to hold 1/2 inch water


  • 4 Eggs
  • 1 tbsp heavy cream or half and half
  • 1/4 teaspoon Dijon Mustard (or two squirts)
  • 1 spray Pam or butter to grease Cocotte
  • 1 sprinkle Sea Salt or Pink Salt
  • 1 sprinkle Black Pepper
  • 1 ounce Shredded Cheese (Gruyère cheese, gouda, cheddar, goat cheese or whatever cheese you have in fridge)
  • Water to fill bigger cooking dish


  • Preheat oven to 375° degrees.
  • Spray your Cocotte dish with Pam or grease with butter.
  • Add four eggs into your Cocotte dish. I use 2 yolks and 2 full eggs (and give 2 egg whites to the dog). You can mix and match if you want more egg whites or less egg whites. I like less egg whites.
  • Add two squirts of Dijon mustard on opposite sides of your Cocotte dish.
  • Add heavy cream.
  • Add sprinkle of Sea Salt and a sprinkle of Black Pepper.
  • Grate cheese or use pre-shredded cheese on top of your dish.
  • Cover you Cocotte dish with the lid.
  • Add 1/2 inch of water to bigger cooking pan so the Cocotte dish can sit in a hot water bath. Put the Cocotte dish in the water bath so the dish is covered by 1/2 inch.
  • Put into oven.
  • Cook for 13-17 minutes depending how you like your eggs.
  • I like my yolks over-medium so I cook them for 16 minutes, take the lid off and then broil for 60 seconds. Your oven temperature may vary, so test the constancy of what you like best for your tastebuds.


Calories: 694kcal
Keyword Eggs Cocotte
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!

Egg En Cocotte

Eggs Cocotte

​Prep Time: I’ve gotten so quick with my prep time in the mornings where it is only 5-10 minutes before everything is in the oven and toaster. This recipe is an easy, gentle cooking method that you will use over and over again!

You can accompany your baked egg recipes with a fresh, delicious simple salad on the side. The protein in this the dish is so filling. 

egg cocotte recipe

Egg In Cocotte

And this dish isn’t just for grown ups! My 8 year old, The Duke, LOVES this breakfast. He asks me to make it frequently. And I don’t mind making it because my oven is doing the work. I can set and just take out when finished.

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